Monthly Meetings and Talks (held 1st Wednesday of each month).


Note: There are no monthly meetings in May and December.            


Meetings have resumed following relaxation of Covid-19 regulations and a full programme is currently being organised.



2nd February 2022        Mike Williamson           'Monty's Accomplice' - a tale of two tailors


2nd March                    No Speaker                   Annual General Meeting


6th April                      James Stebbings           'RMS Lusitania'


4th May                        No Speaker                   Spring Luncheon


1st June                       Mike Williamson           'The Man behind Winnie-the-Pooh'

6th July                       Robert Goddard            'Mother Moon - why don't we have a base there?'


3rd August                   Stephen Poulter            'To the Hammer Born - The insider secrets of an                                                                         Occasional Auctioneer'


7th September             Eric Swann                    'My War Years (1939-45)


5th October                 Simon Partridge            'Social History of the Broads'


2nd November             James Stebbings           'Through the Stage Door'


7th December              Ladies Luncheon with 'The Sentiments of Christmas' by Jim Stebbings


4th January 2023       Tony Diamond              'Eight Times on a Jury'


1st February               Annual General Meeting - No speaker.


1st March                   Barrie Thornton           'Critical Chemicals'


5th April                    Julian Soddy                 'Jaguar Cars'


3rd May                     Spring Ladies Lunch       No Speaker


7th June                   Wally Webb                   '40 years of illustrated adventures

                                                                       with the BBC'


5th July                    Mike Williamson             'The Younger Dryas and its effect on our                                                                                  planet'


2nd August               Andrew Boatwright         'My Career in Magistrates' Courts'


6th September         Jim Stebbings                 Foreign Ventures - but it's no holiday!


4th October             Mike Williamson              Van Gogh - Mad, Genius or Misunderstood? 


1st November          Andrew Boatwright         Anecdotes from the Magistrates Court.


6th December          Christmas Ladies Luncheon - Kings Head Dereham 12.30 for 1.00pm


3rd January 2024     Mike Williamson               Coastal Command and the search for the                                                                                Scharnhorst


7th February            Rev. Dennis Ackroyd          I turned my collar round (Part 2)


6th March                Amnnual General Meeting - No speaker


3rd April                  John Balls                         'Norfolk survivors of the Titanic'


1st May                   May Ladies Luncheon - Kings Head Dereham 12.30 for 1.00pm


5th June                 Mike Wiliamson                 'Tales from the Ukon'


3rd July                  Chris Chippendale              Lasting Power of Attorney made                                                   /John Robinson                  simple


7th August              Jim Stebbings                     American Cultural influences on Post

                                                                         War Britrain


4th September        To be advised


2nd October            Simon Partridge                 'The Victorians'




All monthly meetings will involve a standard charge of £15.00 inclusive of meal.
